Wednesday, December 16, 2009


been awhile..
alot of things happened past few months (or a month I dont rememba)

hmm... I got two new mice from a breeder,
they are orange n curly haired ones.. :) one is with solid black eyes (my other mice are all browny black), and another one without a tail and very light red eyes. :) so cute!
I named them Mango and Peach. haha
I will put photos on later when Im not busy...

oh and Harold is .......pregnant again. Well. it's a long story.. to.. put it in a nutshell....
Harold didnt like new girls and was biting Mango (she bleed and now has a difficulty to move around with her left leg) so I took Harold out, and put her in another cage where Kumar stays. But of course I divided the cage into two with a lot of cardboard and plastics!!
but one night, I heard a mouse screaming.. and .. err..
I guess Harold was horny on that night. She managed to go where Kumar is and mated with him again. sigh.